Nuit de la Culture 2023: "Les Silences"
As part of the Nuit de la Culture 2023 to be held in Esch sur Alzette on 22 April, Orange Luxembourg is supporting the exhibition "Les Silences", by the artist Peggy Dihé.

"Les Silences" is a collection that aims to develop the concept of Art for everyone and everywhere. The artist, Peggy Dihé, sows seeds and makes smiles germinate, thanks to a childlike and dreamlike vision of a better world. Her work is easily accessible thanks to her companion (La Licorne Léonie), her projected universe and 5 sculptures equipped with a QR code. These lead the spectators to the multiverse, where the artworks are NFTised and available in augmented reality.
Directed by Peggy Dihé. With: Fabrice Di Bartoloméo, Ludovic Nicol-Ducourtioux, Galerie Schlassgoart and Orange Luxembourg.

📅 La Nuit de la Culture will take place in the streets of Esch sur Alzette on Saturday 22 April 2023. This year, digital and technology are the main themes. Come to the University/Belval district to discover a variety of artworks.
📍 "The Silences" will be exhibited in a hut located in front of the Mollerei.